With players around the country currently looking to get their squash fix, Cleveland’s Mark Anderson and Joe Russell have developed a new way to enjoy squash without a court: a squash-inspired card game, Boast & Drive.
Boast & Drive is a strategic card game for 2 to 6 players. The goal of each round is to win a squash rally, earning yourself between two and five points. The first player to eleven or more points wins the game. Read the game’s complete rules here.
Card decks are available to order now on boastanddrive.com. Your order supports squash across the U.S.–15% of each order received through the end of May will be donated to support US Squash, and every purchase includes a donation to a member program of Squash & Education Alliance of your choice. Customized designs are available to show support for a team or organization.
Anderson and Russell are both involved in the Cleveland squash community. Russell coaches and is the tournament director of the PSA Cleveland Classic, a $50,000 women’s professional event. Anderson is an active player and serves as the promoter of the PSA Cleveland Skating Club Open, a $20,000 men’s professional event. Anderson is a card game enthusiast and imagined Boast & Drive while self-isolating and playing card games with his family at home.
“It’s very strategic and influenced by a squash rally,” Anderson said. “You have to start with a serve and build your own rally until you hit a winner. You have to use various parts of the court to finish a rally and hit a winner, and then each rally is worth a designated number of points.”
“It’s fun to take the game of squash and play a card game where you keep all of these different strategic aspects of squash in mind as you’re playing.” Russell said. “We had a lot of fun making it and playing it ourselves!”
For more information visit boastanddrive.com.