US Squash Policies:
General Policies
US Squash Abuse, Harassment, Bullying, and Hazing Policy
The United States Squash Racquets Association (“US Squash”) is committed to providing a safe environment for its members, participants, coaches, officials and volunteers, and has also made the commitment to uphold the values proposed by the U.S. Olympic Committee’s SafeSport Initiative. Sexual, physical or emotional abuse, harassment, bullying, or hazing in any form by any US Squash members, participants, coaches, officials and volunteers is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. When any members, participants, coaches, officials, staff and volunteers are subjected to sexual, physical or emotional abuse, harassment, bullying, or hazing in any form, it undermines the mission and values of US Squash. US Squash advocates build strong self-images among the youth participants, strive to promote good sportsmanship throughout the organization and encourage qualities of mutual respect, courtesy and tolerance.
Anti-Doping Policy
Having a fair and effective anti-doping program is vital to ensure that the rights of clean athletes and the integrity of competition are upheld. US Squash is opposed to the practice of doping in sport and fully supports and complies with the policies, protocols, and rules set forth by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) as the independent, non-profit anti-doping organization in the U.S. Guided by their mission to preserve the integrity of competition, inspire true sport, and protect the rights of U.S. athletes, USADA is charged with implementing a comprehensive anti-doping program for all Olympic, Paralympic, Pan American, and Para Pan American sport National Governing Bodies, their athletes, and events. USADA’s scope of responsibility includes:
- Education for athlete and athlete support personnel
- Drug reference resources
- In-competition and out-of competition testing
- Results management processes
It is the duty of individual members of US Squash to comply with all anti-doping rules of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the World Squash Federation (WSF), the USOPC including the USOPC National Anti-Doping Policy, and of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), including the USADA Protocol for Olympic and Paralympic Movement Testing (USADA Protocol) and all other policies and rules adopted by WADA, the WSF, the USOPC and USADA. Athlete members agree to submit to drug testing by the WSF and/or USADA or their designees at any time and understand that the use of methods or substances prohibited by the applicable anti-doping rules make them subject to penalties including, but not limited to, disqualification and suspension. If it is determined that an individual member may have committed a doping violation, the member agrees to submit to the results management authority and processes of USADA, including arbitration under the USADA Protocol, or to the results management authority of the WSF, if applicable or referred by USADA.
Anti-Retaliation Policy
US Squash prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports misconduct or provides information about misconduct. Retaliation includes threatening, intimidating, harassing, coercing or any other conduct that would discourage a reasonable person from engaging or participating in the complaint processes when the action is reasonably related to the report or engagement with the process. Retaliation may be present even where there is a finding that no violation occurred.
Athlete Ombuds
Team USA athletes may contact the Office of the Athlete Ombuds for independent and confidential advice on a variety of sport related matters, including their rights, applicable rules, policies or processes, and questions related to resolving disputes and grievances. The Athlete Ombuds can also help Team USA athletes connect with legal counsel or mental health resources if needed. All other NGB athletes (i.e., athletes competing domestically at the masters or youth level, recreational athletes, foreign athletes) are welcome to visit the Athlete Ombuds website to review informational resources and should work directly with their NGB to understand additional resources and options available to them.
Phone: 719-866-5000
Athlete Ombuds Confidentiality and Privacy Policy:
(A) In general.—The Office of the Athlete Ombuds shall maintain as confidential any information communicated or provided to the Office of the Athlete Ombuds in confidence in any matter involving the exercise of the official duties of the Office of the Athlete Ombuds.
(B) Exception.—The Office of the Athlete Ombuds may disclose information described in subparagraph (A) as necessary to resolve or mediate a dispute, with the permission of the parties involved.
(C) Judicial and administrative proceedings.—(i) In general.—The ombudsman and the staff of the Office of the Athlete Ombuds shall not be compelled to testify or produce evidence in any judicial or administrative proceeding with respect to any matter involving the exercise of the duties of the Office of the Athlete Ombuds . (ii) Work product.—Any memorandum, work product, notes, or case file of the Office of the Athlete Ombuds—(I) shall be confidential; and(II) shall not be—(aa) subject to discovery, subpoena, or any other means of legal compulsion; or (bb) admissible as evidence in a judicial or administrative proceeding. (D) Applicability.—The confidentiality requirements under this paragraph shall not apply to information relating to—(i) applicable federally mandated reporting requirements; (ii) a felony personally witnessed by a member of the Office of the Athlete Ombuds;(iii) a situation, communicated to the Office of the Athlete Ombuds, in which an individual is at imminent risk of serious harm; or (iv) a congressional subpoena.
Those who choose to serve US Squash and its subsidiaries, whether as volunteers or paid professionals, are held to a high standard of conduct. All conduct is founded on the individual’s own sense of integrity. Any individual accepting the honor of service to US Squash must also accept the burdens of public disclosure and public scrutiny. In our complex society, the intermixture of volunteer work, business interests, governmental activity, and family relationships, inevitability create potentially conflicting interests.
As guardians of US Squash’s values these individuals assume an obligation to subordinate their interests to the interests of US Squash. What may be considered acceptable conduct in some businesses may be inappropriate in service to our sport. We are expected to conduct our affairs on a basis consistent with the great trust placed in us. With the honor of serving US Squash, one must also accept the burden of public disclosure and public scrutiny. This requires our behavior to conform to the highest ethical principles.
US Squash requires that its volunteers and staff conduct business with integrity, and because the appearance of impropriety can be just as damaging as actual impropriety, conduct which appears to be improper is also unacceptable. Conflicts of interest are inevitable and most are not inherently improper if properly disclosed, reviewed and the conflicted individual removed or recused from the decision-processes pertinent to the situation(s), transaction(s) and/or person(s) of conflict. It is understood and valued that US Squash’s Anti-Retaliation Policy prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports misconduct or provides information about misconduct which may be done so according to the US Squash Whistleblower Policy.
All Directors, employees, officers, and committee members of US Squash must agree to the following:
1. Ensure that US Squash adheres to the applicable rules, regulations and policies of federal, state and local government, and the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC), the World Squash Federation (WSF), and any other sports governing bodies with which the federation is affiliated.
2. Conduct themselves according to the Code of Ethics and in ways that promote the aims and enhance the reputation of US Squash and the sport of squash.
3. Place the interests of US Squash ahead of any local, regional, business or personal interests in the sport of squash.
4. Protect information that belongs to US Squash, our donors, sponsors, volunteers and employees.
5. Avoid conflicts of interest, both real and perceived, and in the case of US Squash Officers, avoid serving as an officer of any other national sports governing body.
6. Never use US Squash’s assets or information for personal gain.
7. Fully inform responsible US Squash authorities via the Grievance, Disciplinary, Suspension, Member Misconduct and Appeals Procedures of actions, no matter who is responsible for those actions, which are improper, unethical, unlawful, contrary to this policy or otherwise damaging to US Squash.
US Squash prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports misconduct or provides information about misconduct. Retaliation includes threatening, intimidating, harassing, coercing or any other conduct that would discourage a reasonable person from engaging or participating in the complaint processes when the action is reasonably related to the report or engagement with the process. Retaliation may be present even where there is a finding that no violation occurred.
8. Assist employees, volunteers, officers, and directors to create and maintain an effectively functioning organization always respecting the responsibility and authority of those to whom implementation of US Squash policies and goals has been entrusted.
9. Neither give nor receive gifts, loans or favors that tend to influence you in the discharge of your duties, except of nominal value exchanged in the normal course of business.
a. The trading of pins and mementos is accepted conduct.
b. Invitations from sports, media, corporations, or other organizations to attend sports and social events of more than nominal value may be accepted if they are part of open and generally accepted practices, serve to promote the best interest of US Squash, would not embarrass the individual or US Squash if publicly disclosed and do not compromise the objectivity nor integrity of the recipient or donor.
c. Gifts and favors of more than $25 value should not ordinarily be accepted, but if the circumstances render it awkward to refuse such a gift, the donor should be thanked and told the gift is being accepted on behalf of, and will be delivered to, US Squash.
10. Disclose the nature and extent of actual, perceived, or potential conflict of interest when it occurs in the evaluation of an issue and will not participate in the discussion, evaluation or voting on the matter involved. This includes the awarding of contracts, purchase of goods and services, and allocation of US Squash’s resources.
11. Complete a conflict of interest (COI) form.
a. The completion of this form is a mandatory prerequisite for participation as an employee or volunteer with US Squash.
b. Annually or prior to assumption of responsibilities, US Squash legal counsel, under the auspices of the Judiciary Committee of the US Squash Board of Directors, shall send to each appropriate person the latest Ethics and Conflict of Interest Package. The Conflict of Interest Disclosure form is to be completed and returned to the chair of the US Squash Nominating and Governance Committee and be available only to the Chairman of the Board, the CEO, legal counsel and the US Squash Judiciary Committee.
c. The Nominating and Governance Committee will review and evaluate these disclosures and will maintain this information in strict confidence unless the existence of a present COI requires that they disclose same to the Judicial Committee for its independent review. Each individual should openly and forthrightly identify any areas that represent a potential COI. Individuals will promptly contact the chair of the US Squash Nominating and Governance Committee to update or amend their disclosure forms as circumstances change.
12. The principles provide a framework of integrity for interactions with or on behalf of US Squash. However, more in depth questions may arise regarding conflicts of interest. For this reason, the following guidance is given:
US Squash defines a conflict of interest as any personal or financial relationship, or family member activity, that could influence or be perceived to influence your objectivity when representing or conducting business for, or on behalf of, US Squash.
For example: if personal or financial interests exist with any person or entity with whom US Squash has a business, family or other relationship, or which could be perceived to influence your conduct, if a Board or Committee member is a former coach of an athlete, and that member is involved in drafting team selection procedures or involved in the national team selection process; a material ownership or material investment interest in any entity with which US Squash has or proposes a transaction or arrangement; a business or personal relationship with any entity or individual with which US Squash has or proposes a transaction or arrangement; or an ownership or investment interest in, or business or personal relationship with, any entity or individual with which US Squash is negotiating a transaction or arrangement, then you must:
a. Disclose the interest or nature of the relationship to Legal Counsel who shall have the authority to either (a) approve the relationship, or (b) refer the matter to the US Squash Judiciary Committee for further consideration; and
b. Excuse yourself from any formal or informal discussions related to the relationship between US Squash and the person or entity; and
c. Abstain from voting and from seeking to influence the vote on any matter related to the person or entity.
All such disclosures shall be made during Board meetings and are to be documented in the Board minutes.
Any person who violates or condones the violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary measures that may include termination of membership, employment, and expulsion from volunteer positions. The US Squash Judiciary Committee shall review all violations of this policy pursuant to the Grievance, Disciplinary, Suspension, Member Misconduct and Appeals Procedures and, if appropriate, recommend sanctions to the US Squash Board of Directors (as to volunteers) or the Chief Executive Officer (as to employees of US Squash).
If any individual representing US Squash participates in the evaluation or approval of a contract with a supplier to furnish goods or provide services to US Squash when the individual will directly or indirectly benefit financially or otherwise receive any form of compensation from, or have an interest in, any supplier or provider under consideration, then US Squash shall have the right to recover such benefit or payment and such contract or transaction shall be voidable by US Squash.
This policy serves as a framework for ethical conduct but does not cover every situation. If you are unclear about the requirements of this policy, please consult your supervisor (if an employee) or the US Squash Judiciary Committee chair(s) (if a volunteer). Contact information can be found on the US Squash website. For Athletes with questions regarding this policy, the USOPC Athlete Ombudsman provides cost-free, independent and confidential advice regarding athlete rights; resolving disputes or grievances; and any sport rule, policy, or process, including NGB- athlete agreements, codes of conduct or team selection procedures. The Athlete Ombudsman can also help athletes connect with legal counsel or mental health resources if needed. Athletes may contact the Athlete Ombudsman at: (719) 866-5000, and
The US Squash Code of Ethics
As representatives and members of US Squash and the sport of squash, we have a duty to exemplify the best qualities of our sport and to observe the highest standards of personal and professional conduct.
• We conduct ourselves in a manner which is consistent with the best interests of the organization;
• We communicate clearly and fairly with others and understand that our words and actions embody respect for truth, fairness, courtesy and respect;
• We respect, celebrate, and include all individuals regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, physical ability, or age;
• We safeguard privacy rights and confidential information;
• We do not grant or accept gifts or services for personal or individual professional gain, nor do we solicit or accept gifts or services for our institutions in which a higher public interest would be violated;
• We avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest and, if in doubt, seek guidance regarding how to proceed;
• We report transgressions and/or unethical activities to the appropriate authority in order that the institution take the necessary action;
• We bring abusive and/or harassing conduct to the attention of the organization’s leadership in order that individuals who have been subject to such abuse are protected.
All athletes, regardless of gender, representing the United States at an equivalent level of competition shall receive the equivalent and non-discriminatory compensation, wages, benefits, medical care, travel arrangements, and reimbursements for expenses from US Squash.
For any athlete representing the United States, US Squash has established equivalent and nondiscriminatory criteria for athletes of equivalent disciplines and levels of competition to qualify for support payments regardless of gender, including:
- Number of years on tour
- Current ranking
- Ranking trend (one, three, five years)
- Wildcard opportunities
- Actual position in the U.S.
- Team USA participation
- Participation at the Specter Center
- Residency
- Future potential
- Level of commitment
- Conduct
- Achievement of goals
- Injury
In addition to compensation and wage payments, US Squash may provide to its athletes representing the United States the following benefits:
- Coaching
- Strength and conditioning support
- Physical therapy support
- Sport science benefits and learnings
- Nutrition and sports psychology support
- Team Uniform apparel for competitions
- Team manager and national office support (travel and logistics coordination)
- Training space
While the above list is not comprehensive nor is it a guarantee of benefits to be provided, US Squash will ensure that all athletes, regardless of gender, representing the United States at an equivalent level of competition receive the same benefits. This applies only to benefits provided by US Squash – outside parties may provide such benefits to athletes or teams in their own discretion and US Squash shall not require that the athlete or team decline if similar benefits are not offered to other athletes or teams.
Medical Care
US Squash has established equivalent and nondiscriminatory criteria for male and female athletes to qualify for USOPC-funded Elite Athlete Health Insurance. Qualification criteria is based on PSA Tour ranking. Gender is not a criteria for EAHI determination.
US Squash also provides to national team members Participant Accident Insurance when training or competing with US Squash.
US Squash is also committed to ensuring that all athletes have equivalent and nondiscriminatory medical care available at events when representing the United States. For events, US Squash assigns medical providers to ensure that athletes competing at equivalent levels receive equivalent opportunities for medical care. Criteria for assigning medical care includes the risk level of the event, medical provided by the local organizing committee, and proximity to emergency medical services.
Travel Arrangements
All athletes traveling to events are entitled to equivalent and nondiscriminatory travel arrangements. US Squash will cover travel arrangements for athletes in accordance with the level of competition. These requirements shall apply to all athletes whose travel is funded by US Squash. Arrangements include airfare, lodging, planned meals and other travel expenses while traveling with the national team.
If not otherwise provided in the travel arrangements, then based on the level of competition, athletes will be reimbursed for the following by US Squash: per diem for meals, approved travel with the team, transportation to and from events, airfare to and from events.
Athlete are required to submit expense reimbursement requests per US Squash expense policies.
Advocacy for Equal Pay on the International Level
US Squash will take reasonable steps to advocate for the equalization of prize money, compensation, funding, and other support provided to squash athletes by the PSA Squash Tour, the World Squash Federation, Regional and National Squash Federations, and independent promoters. If it becomes aware of unequal support for athletes of different genders, US Squash may consider the following actions as reasonable steps:
- Formal letters to the event organizers
- Direct advocacy from US Squash to the PSA Squash Tour and World Squash Federation
US Squash may consider the USOPC International Relations Task Force’s recommendations for effective advocacy on the international stage in taking steps to advocate for equal pay in the international context.
Grievance, Disciplinary, Suspension, Member Misconduct and Appeals Procedures
Grievance, Disciplinary, Suspension, Member Misconduct & Appeals Procedures If a member observes a violation of the US Squash Code of Conduct during accredited play, he or she is encouraged to report it to or league or tournament director, or a US Squash staff member if available on site. League or tournament directors will collect additional information as necessary and submit a Code of Conduct violation form to US Squash.
Membership Agreement, Release of Liability and Waiver
I hereby relieve, release, and forever discharge and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the United States Squash Racquets Association, Inc. (“US Squash”), their servants, agents and employees from any and all claims and demands of every kind and character from injury to my person or damage to property as a result of my participation in US Squash accredited programs, tournaments, competitions and events. I agree to carry primary medical insurance and abide by all US Squash policies including the Member Code of Conduct. I have read this Release of Liability and Waiver Agreement, fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and sign it freely and voluntarily without any inducement. I understand and agree that the World Squash Federation (WSF) Anti-Doping Rules and U.S. Anti-Doping Agency Protocol for Olympic and Paralympic Movement Testing (USADA Protocol) and all other policies and rules adopted by the WSF, USADA, and the USOC apply to me and that it is my responsibility to comply with those rules. I agree to submit to drug testing at any time and understand that the use of methods or substances prohibited by the applicable antidoping rules would make me subject to penalties including, but not limited to, disqualification and suspension. If it is determined that I may have committed a doping violation, I agree to submit to the results management authority and processes 3-1 NGB Compliance Checklist_121317.docx of USADA, including arbitration under the USADA Protocol, or to the results management authority of WSF and/or US Squash, if applicable or referred by USADA. “Signature ______________________________________ Parent or guardian signature needed if under 18.”
The MAAPP focuses on just two important aspects of a much larger comprehensive abuse prevention strategy. These policies address training requirements and limiting one-on-one interactions between adults and minor athletes.
SafeSport Policy
US Squash abides by the SafeSport Code for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. The SafeSport Code is defined by and prohibits six primary types of misconduct, including sexual, emotional, physical, bullying, harassment and hazing. It applies to any individual who (a) currently is, or was at the time of a possible violation, within the governance or disciplinary jurisdiction of a National Governing Body or who is seeking to be within the governance or disciplinary jurisdiction of an NGB (e.g., through application for membership), (b) is an athlete or non-athlete participant that an NGB or the USOC formally authorizes, approves or appoints to a position of authority over athletes, or to have frequent contact with athletes or (c) an NGB identifies as being within the jurisdiction of the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s Response and Resolution Office. US Squash complies with the SafeSport Entity’s exclusive and discretionary subject matter jurisdiction as set out in this Code, and provides that US Squash will address matters falling outside this subject matter jurisdiction guided by Section E of US Squash’s Grievance, Disciplinary, Suspension, Member Misconduct and Appeals Procedures.
Athlete Safety Policy
US Squash is committed to athlete health, welfare, and safety and adheres to the requirements of the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC), and the U.S. Center for SafeSport (Center) in its efforts to promote a safe and secure environment for athletes.
The US Squash Athlete Safety Policy, as well as its other policies and guidelines, are aimed at protecting all participants in our sport and apply to all individuals participating in our sport including the following: members, staff, contractors, coaches, officials, trainers, medical, Board of Directors, volunteers, and athletes.
In addition to following the SafeSport Code and this Athlete Safety Policy, all participants are expected to adhere to US Squash’s Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP) and Code of Conduct.
- Prohibited Conduct
Abuse of any kind is not permitted and will not be tolerated within US Squash. Please refer to the SafeSport Code for prohibited conduct, which includes bullying, hazing, harassment (including sexual harassment), emotional misconduct, physical misconduct, and sexual misconduct. Those terms are further defined in the SafeSport Code.
2. Jurisdiction over subject matters
The U. S. Center for SafeSport has exclusive jurisdiction over the following matters:
- Sexual Misconduct, including without limitation child sexual abuse and any misconduct that is reasonably related to an underlying allegation of Sexual Misconduct;
- Criminal Charges or Dispositions involving Child Abuse or Sexual Misconduct;
- Misconduct Related to Reporting, where the underlying allegation involves Child Abuse or Sexual Misconduct;
- Aiding and Abetting, when it relates to the Center’s process;
- Misconduct Related to the Center’s Process;
- Other Inappropriate Conduct, as defined in the SafeSport code.
The U.S. Center for SafeSport has discretionary jurisdiction over the following matters:
- Non-sexual Child Abuse;
- Emotional and physical misconduct, including stalking, bullying behaviors, hazing, and harassment;
- Criminal Charges or Dispositions not involving Child Abuse or Sexual Misconduct;
- Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP) or other similar Proactive Policy violations.
US Squash will address matters outside of the jurisdiction of the U.S. Center for SafeSport, and matters for which the U.S. Center for SafeSport has declined to exercise its discretionary jurisdiction.
3. Education and Awareness Training
US Squash requires the following individuals (i.e., anyone that meets the definition of an Adult Participant under the MAAPP) complete training provided by the U.S. Center for SafeSport: US Squash employees, Certified Coaches and Referees, Team USA and High Performance Program members and prospects, current US Squash members 18 or 19 years of age, Team USA Support personnel, Tournament Directors, Site Assistants and Match Advisors, and US Squash Board members and other individuals working with athletes or other sport participants while at the Arlen Specter US Squash Center, or a US Squash-sponsored or delegation event; athletes training and/or residing at the Specter Center or a delegation event; individuals US Squash formally authorizes, approves or appoints (a) to position of authority over or (b) in frequent contact with athletes.
4. Reporting Inappropriate Behavior or Misconduct
Reporting to Law Enforcement
Child Abuse and Child Sexual Abuse. Most adult persons affiliated with US Squash are now required to comply with the reporting requirements of Section 226 of the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990 (34 U.S.C. § 20341) and report any suspected child abuse to law enforcement authorities and/or child protective services in your jurisdiction immediately. Child abuse is defined in the federal law and includes various forms of abuse, including sexual and non-sexual child abuse. The persons subject to the mandatory reporting requirements are also specifically defined in the federal law (34 U.S.C. § 20341). A failure to timely comply with the mandatory federal reporting requirements may result in criminal liability under federal law, including imprisonment for up to one (1) year and/or a fine.
Reporting to the U.S. Center for SafeSport and US Squash
If you suspect that an athlete is experiencing misconduct of a sexual nature, in addition to reporting to law enforcement, such misconduct should also be reported immediately to the U.S. Center for SafeSport by calling the SafeSport hotline at 720-531-0340 or complete the online reporting form.
Every US Squash member must report suspected violations of the SafeSport Code, including the following:
- Child Abuse
- Sexual Misconduct
- Physical Misconduct
- Emotional Misconduct
- Stalking, Bullying, Threats, and Harassment (including sexual harassment)
- Hazing
- Aiding and Abetting
- Willfully Tolerating Misconduct
- Retaliation for reporting conduct or for providing information related to a report
- Violation of Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies
The above terms are further described in the SafeSport Code.
Conduct that does not involve sexual conduct but which may violate one of the categories of prohibited conduct must be reported. You may report the conduct to:
The U.S. Center for SafeSport Hotline: 720.531.0340 or report at
To report an incident regarding other forms of misconduct such as emotional or physical
Reporting is mandatory. Adult Participants are REQUIRED to report suspected sexual misconduct to law enforcement and the U.S. Center for SafeSport. Failure to timely report may subject the person to criminal liability and further discipline by the U.S. Center for SafeSport.
US Squash will immediately report any report it receives regarding sexual misconduct or abuse of a minor to law enforcement and the U.S. Center for SafeSport. US Squash will notify the reporting party, if not anonymously reported, of the party taking jurisdiction of any report.
5. Criminal Background Checks
US Squash SafeSport training and criminal background checks on an annual basis to be carried out in accordance with the USOPC Background Check Policy for required individuals before contact with any athletes, and both must be completed within 45 days of starting a new role, for US Squash employees, National and Regional Coaches, Team USA and High Performance Program members and prospects, Team USA Support personnel (whether contractors or vendors), and athletes US Squash authorizes to train, stay, or work at an Olympic Training Center or the Arlen Specter US Squash Center.
The Disciplinary Subcommittee (DSC) conducts monthly reviews with the US Squash SafeSport coordinator of training and background to:
- Check compliance for required individuals are conducted to ensure records are as up to date as possible.
- Review US Squash’s policies and procedures to determine the individual’s level of access and involvement when background check that results in a report of a disposition or resolution of a criminal proceeding, other than an adjudication of not guilty, for any of the below criminal offenses:
- Any Felony
- Any misdemeanor involving:
- All sexual crimes, criminal offenses of a sexual nature to include but not limited to; rape, child molestation, sexual battery, lewd conduct, possession and distribution of child pornography, possession and distribution of obscene material, prostitution, indecent exposure, public indecency, and any sex offender registrant;
- Any drug related offenses;
- Harm to a minor and vulnerable person, including, but not limited to, offenses such as child abandonment, child endangerment/neglect/abuse, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and DUI with a minor;
- Violence against a person (including crimes involving firearms and domestic violence);
- Stalking, harassment, blackmail, violation of a protection order and/or threats;
- Destruction of property, including arson, vandalism, and criminal mischief; and
- Animal abuse or neglect.
In addition, as part of this policy and per the USOPC’s NGB and HPMO Athlete Safety Policy, US Squash provides:
4. Notification to the USOPC’s Security & Athlete Safety Office of any allegation of prohibited conduct that occurred at an Olympic & Paralympic Training Center (OPTC) or USOPC Delegation Event and any temporary measure(s) imposed;
5. Notification to the USOPC’s Security & Athlete Safety Office of any temporary measure(s) (imposed or removed) affecting Participants who might or will be attending a Delegation event, have access to an OPTC, or receive a benefit and/or service from the USOPC.
6. Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP)
All Adult Participants (as defined in the MAAPP) are expected to follow US Squash’s Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP) and to report any violations of the MAAPP either to the U.S. Center for SafeSport or US Squash using the reporting options outlined above.
In addition, no individual who is an employee, contractor, or agent of US Squash may assist a member or former member in obtaining a new job (except for the routine transmission of administrative and personnel files) if the individual knows that that member or former member violated the policies or procedures of the Center related to sexual misconduct or was convicted of a crime involving sexual misconduct with a minor in violation of applicable law or the policies or procedures of the Center.
7. Enforcement
US Squash will enforce this Athlete Safety Policy consistent with the SafeSport Code, the U.S. Center for SafeSport policies, and US Squash Bylaws and policies.
8. Retaliation
US Squash prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports misconduct or provides information about misconduct. Retaliation includes threatening, intimidating, harassing, coercing or any other conduct that would discourage a reasonable person from engaging or participating in the complaint processes when the action is reasonably related to the report or engagement with the process. US Squash expressly prohibits retaliation before, during, or after the process of resolving a report of misconduct. Retaliation may be present even where there is a finding that no violation occurred.
9. Appeal Rights
All disciplinary action taken by the U.S. Center for SafeSport will be subject to the SafeSport Code for appeal rights.
All disciplinary action taken by US Squash shall follow the procedures outlined in US Squash’s By-laws and any member that receives a disciplinary decision may file an appeal pursuant to such procedures.
US Squash reserves the right to amend this Athlete Safety Policy from time to time as it deems appropriate.
US Squash SafeSport Contact
Please contact Kevin Klipstein,, for any questions regarding SafeSport and US Squash.
US Squash Whistleblower Policy
- Purpose
This Whistleblower Policy (the “Policy”) is intended to support a strong culture of integrity and ethical conduct at the US Squash by encouraging, valuing, and protecting good faith reporting by athletes, directors, officers, employees, members, committee members, task force members, hearing panel members, and volunteers (“Affiliated Individuals”) of US Squash of any alleged violation of any applicable law or policy or any potential ethics issue.
The freedom to speak up means being able to raise concerns in whatever way is most comfortable and effective and feeling free to cooperate in investigations that follow. It also means that US Squash has zero tolerance for retaliation of any kind against people who speak up in good faith.
2. Violations Covered by this Policy
This Policy is for use where there may be a violation of:
- any applicable Federal or State law, rule or regulation
- any US Squash By-laws and policy
- any U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC) requirements per By-laws and the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act of 1978
- principles of ethics
- accounting or financial practices (e.g., fraud)
If an Affiliated Individual is unsure about whether a matter might be a policy violation or is unsure about their reporting responsibility for a particular type of matter, please start by reviewing the particular policy involved. US Squash staff should refer to US Squash Staff Policies in SharePoint or reach out to the Executive Administrator for more information.
Also, keep in mind that some violations must be reported. Specifically, please be familiar with the requirements in US Squash’s Athlete Safety Policy and SafeSport Code. If an Affiliated Individual suspects any criminal activity against a person or property, they should report this directly to law enforcement immediately. In addition, nothing in this Policy changes or replaces any mandatory reporting obligations under the SafeSport Code for the Olympic and Paralympic Movements – talk to the US Squash CEO if you have any questions about those obligations.
3. Reporting
No Retaliation
US Squash has an open-door policy and encourages Affiliated Individuals to share questions, concerns, suggestions or complaints in the way and to the people with which they are most comfortable. This means Affiliated Individuals have options for how to report any concern about a potential ethical, policy, financial or legal violation.
US Squash has zero tolerance for retaliation against people who make good faith reports of potential ethical, policy, financial or legal violations, or who cooperate with investigations of those reports. That means no Affiliated Individual may threaten, harass, discriminate against, or take any negative employment (where applicable) or participation related action (e.g., discharge, demotion, suspension, non-assignment, negative review) on that basis.
Any such retaliation can be reported as described above in the same way as any other policy violation. It will be treated as a violation this Policy and US Squash’s Code of Conduct, and may lead to serious consequences including termination of employment or participation for anyone involved in retaliation.
How to Report
Affiliated Individuals may always report to an US Squash staff member or their supervisor (if applicable). Or, the Affiliated Individual can make a report to the Executive Administrator (employee only) or CEO (employees and all other individuals). These are people who can also discuss the concern and help make sure it is addressed. Affiliated Individuals can also make reports to the chair(s) of the Judicial Committee.
Please remember that as a reporter, Affiliated Individuals do not need to (and should not) investigate the matter of concern or determine fault or how to fix it. The Affiliated Individual does his or her part by making it known so the right people can take action. Investigations or of reports are discussed below.
For Athletes, in addition, the USOPC Athlete Ombudsman provides cost-free, independent and confidential advice regarding athlete rights; resolving disputes or grievances; and any sport rule, policy, or process, including NGB- athlete agreements, codes of conduct or team selection procedures. The Athlete Ombudsman can also help athletes connect with legal counsel or mental health resources if needed. Athletes may contact the Athlete Ombudsman at: (719) 866-5000, and
Acting in Good Faith
Just as we need to make sure that no one in our community is fearful of speaking up, we also need to make sure that no one in our community is fearful about false reports that might harm them.
With that in mind, anyone reporting a perceived ethical, policy, financial, or legal violation must be acting in good faith and have some basis for believing there may be a violation. Anyone that makes a false report knowing that it is false or that it has no basis is violating this Policy and the US Squash Code of Conduct in the same way as someone retaliating against a good faith reporter. Such a violation may itself be reported under this Policy and it may lead to serious consequences, including termination of employment or participation.
4. Investigation
Once a report is made in one of the ways described above, the person receiving the report will inform the Executive Administrator (if not the initial recipient) and Disciplinary Subcommittee (DSC) of the Judicial Committee made up of US Squash staff members that a report has been. The Judicial Committee has oversight of the DSC which, together with the recipient of the report are responsible for getting it to the person, committee or organization that can best address the concern, based on the matter reported and in keeping with other appropriate policies. This process includes and requires multiple parties in all cases given US Squash’s commitment to ensuring that no good faith report goes unheard or ignored.
The Executive Administrator and the DSC are responsible for coordinating among these people so that reporters can be confident that reported concerns get to the people best positioned to act on them.
In certain circumstances, the applicable portions of the US Squash Grievance, Disciplinary, Suspension, Member Misconduct and Appeals Procedures overseen by the Judicial Committee may be utilized when its is determined appropriate based on the specific circumstances and severity of the infraction. In all cases, the resolution will be executed by disinterested parties.
The Executive Administrator and will provide a report regularly (no less than annually) to the US Squash Judicial Committee regarding all incident and whistleblower complaints, regardless of the merit.
5. Confidentiality
In many cases, a reported matter will need investigation in order to reach the right resolution. Cooperation as a reporter or otherwise may be very helpful and much appreciated. Reports will be treated as confidentially as possible; some information may have to be disclosed to certain parties in order to conduct a thorough investigation, to comply with the law, and to provide accused individuals access to due process.
If a matter is reported anonymously and the reporter chooses to remain anonymous as it is investigated, US Squash will respect that.
- Follow Up
If an Affiliated Individual reports an alleged violation of ethics, US Squash policy, or applicable laws, US Squash will report back to the Affiliated Individual on the progress and investigation results as appropriate.
Complaints may be handled under the auspices of the appropriate policy and investigation procedures depending on its nature in order to ensure that conflicted individuals are not involved in the decision-making process.
If the investigation of a report that was made in good faith is not to the satisfaction of the reporter, then the reporter may report that, too.
The Affiliated Individual is always free to follow up to learn more from the person they reported to. Confidentiality and legal obligations may affect the details available.
Thank you for helping to ensure that US Squash is a safe zone for speaking up in good faith on important matters.