What is SafeSport?
We all have a role to play in creating a healthy setting in squash. SafeSport helps raise awareness about misconduct, promote open dialogue, and provide training and resources. By working together, we can build a game plan to make squash safe―for everyone.
U.S. Center for SafeSport
Established in 2017, the U.S. Center for SafeSport is the independent and exclusive authority directed by Congress to prevent and respond to all forms of abuse and misconduct within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. The Center is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization headquartered in Denver, Colorado.
The Center seeks to enable every athlete to thrive by fostering a national sport culture of respect and safety, on and off the playing field. The Center has jurisdiction over misconduct and abuse for US Squash. For more information on the U.S. Center for SafeSport.
SafeSport Course Instructions
SafeSport certificates are only valid for one year. Please note your expiration date so that you take the next appropriate course in a timely manner (see below). You can also view the safe sport expiration date in your club locker account in the training tab once you have sent in your certificate.
To take your SafeSport course, please follow the instructions below:
- Click on https://safesporttrained.org?KeyName=NGBUSS-buf8Jp
- Click enroll and fill out the form to create an account (once submitted it will ask you to wait while it sets up your account).
- Then agree to the terms and conditions.
- Go to ‘My Courses’ from the home page. The course that you need to take will be the one with a blue ‘Start’ button on it.
NOTE: Be sure to take the correct SafeSport course and only complete 1 course each year:
• Start by taking the course “SafeSport Trained – NGB1” (90 minutes long)
The refreshers listed below will be the courses to take in the proceeding years:
• Refresher 1: Recognizing and Reporting Misconduct – NGB1 (30 minutes long)
• Refresher 2: Preventing Misconduct – NGB1 (30 minutes long)
• Refresher 3: Creating a Positive Sport Environment – NGB1 (30 minutes long)
Please also note that you only need to take ONE Safe Sport course per year. After completing all 3 refresher courses above, you will need to take the main 90 minutes NGB1 course again.
- Go to safesporttrained.org.
- Click on ‘Login’ and enter your username and password.
- Go to ‘My Courses’ and the course you need to take should show ‘START.’
- Do NOT take a course if your current course is valid or take the same course that you passed last time. Take your course just before your last course expires.
NOTE: Be sure to take the correct SafeSport course and only complete 1 course each year:
• Start by taking the course “SafeSport Trained – NGB1” (90 minutes long)
The refreshers listed below will be the courses to take in the proceeding years:
• Refresher 1: Recognizing and Reporting Misconduct – NGB1 (30 minutes long)
• Refresher 2: Preventing Misconduct – NGB1 (30 minutes long)
• Refresher 3: Creating a Positive Sport Environment – NGB1 (30 minutes long)
Please also note that you only need to take ONE Safe Sport course per year. After completing all 3 refresher courses above, you will need to take the main 90 minutes NGB1 course again.
To check when your courses expire, go to the home page, and click on the 3 white lines at the top right. Click for the drop down and click on ‘Transcripts.’ All your course info is there, including being able to download your certificate to send to US Squash.
Please email completed certificates to USSquashsafesport@ussquash.org and Linda.elriani@ussquash.org
The Center accepts all reports of sexual abuse and child abuse within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. Report here if you have reasonable suspicion of sexual misconduct or harassment, child abuse (including child sexual abuse), or intimate relationships involving an imbalance of power.
The Center also accepts reports of emotional and physical misconduct (including but not limited to bullying, hazing, stalking, and harassment) within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. Reports of emotional and physical misconduct can also be reported directly to your sport’s national governing body (NGB).
How to Report
U.S. Center for SafeSport
The Center has exclusive jurisdiction for all issues dealing with:
- Sexual Misconduct
- Sexual Harassment
- Sexually Explicit/Inappropriate Communication through Social Media
You can also report issues dealing with Physical or Emotional Misconduct, or violations of the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP)
Report your concern to the U.S. Center for SafeSport using the following:
- Call: 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233)
- Report directly to the Center
You may also submit your concern to US Squash, using the US Squash SafeSport Reporting Form.
US Squash
You can report to US Squash for all issues dealing with:
- Physical or Emotional Misconduct
- Violations of US Squash SafeSport Policies, including US Squash’s Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy
Report your concern to US Squash using the US Squash SafeSport Reporting Form.
Reports may be made anonymously, and there is no fee associated with filing a report.
SafeSport Authorization
As a member National Governing Body (NGB) of the United States Olympic Committee (USOC), US Squash is required to adhere to the SafeSport rules and regulations of the USOC. Additionally, USOC Bylaw Section 8.7(l) provides that, as a condition of membership in the USOC, each NGB shall comply with the policies and procedures of the independent safe sport organization designated by the USOC to investigate and resolve SafeSport violations. The USOPC has designated the U.S. Center for SafeSport as that organization. The current U.S. Center for SafeSport policies and procedures are available at the offices of US Squash or online at
In relation to the above, as a condition of membership in US Squash and a condition for participation in any competition or event accredited by US Squash, each US Squash member and each athlete, coach, trainer, agent, athlete support personnel, medical or para-medical personnel, team staff, official and other person who participates in US Squash programs or events (whether or not a US Squash member), and US Squash agrees to comply with and be bound by the policies and procedures of the U.S. Center for SafeSport and to submit, without reservation or condition, to the jurisdiction and rules of the U.S. Center for SafeSport for the resolution of any alleged violations of those rules, as such rules may be amended from time to time. To the extent any US Squash rule is inconsistent with the rules of the U.S. Center for SafeSport, such rule is hereby superseded.
Center Response Policy
The following US Squash staff member is responsible for responding to any requests from the U.S. Center for SafeSport:
- Chief Programs Officer – Kim Clearkin: clearkin@ussquash.org
These designated representatives will respond to requests from the Center within 72 hours. Requests may include, but are not limited to:
- The eligibility status of a Participant
- The existence of Organization-imposed temporary measures or safety plans
SafeSport Training and Criminal Background Checks
US Squash continually tracks and requires SafeSport Training every year for those individuals we formally authorize, approve or appoint (a) to a position of authority over, or (b) to have frequent contact with athletes and minors, including US Squash employees, Certified Coaches and Professional Certified Referees, Team USA and High Performance Program members and prospects, current US Squash members 18 or 19 years of age, Team USA Support personnel, Tournament Directors, Site Assistants and Match Advisors, and US Squash Board members.
SafeSport training and criminal background checks are required before contact with any athletes, and is completed within 45 days of starting a new role, for US Squash employees, National and Regional Coaches, Team USA and High Performance Program members and prospects, Team USA Support personnel, and athletes US Squash authorizes to train, stay, or work at an Olympic Training Center or the Arlen Specter US Squash Center.
US Squash SafeSport Reporting Policy
Reporting to Law Enforcement
Child Abuse and Child Sexual Abuse. Adult Participants and US Squash members are now required to comply with the reporting requirements of Section 226 of the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990 (34 U.S.C. § 20341) and report any suspected child abuse to law enforcement authorities and/or child protective services in your jurisdiction immediately. Child abuse is defined in the federal law and includes various forms of abuse, including sexual and non-sexual child abuse. The persons subject to the mandatory reporting requirements are also specifically defined in the federal law (34 U.S.C. § 20341). A failure to timely comply with the mandatory federal reporting requirements may result in criminal liability under federal law, including imprisonment for up to one (1) year and/or a fine.
Reporting to the U.S. Center for SafeSport and US Squash
Reporting is mandatory. Adult Participants are REQUIRED to report suspected sexual misconduct to law enforcement and the U.S. Center for SafeSport, and to comply with any other applicable reporting requirements under state law. Failure to timely report may subject the person to criminal liability and further discipline by the U.S. Center for SafeSport.
Every US Squash member and Adult Participant must also report suspected violations of the SafeSport Code, including the following:
- Child Abuse
- Sexual Misconduct
- Physical Misconduct
- Emotional Misconduct
- Stalking, Bullying, Threats, and Harassment (including sexual harassment)
- Hazing
- Aiding and Abetting
- Willfully Tolerating Misconduct
- Retaliation for reporting conduct or for providing information related to a report
- Violation of Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies
The above terms are further described in the SafeSport Code.
Conduct that does not involve sexual conduct but which may violate one of the categories of prohibited conduct must be reported. You may report the conduct to:
The U.S. Center for SafeSport Hotline: 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233) or report at safesport.org
If you suspect that an athlete is experiencing misconduct of a sexual nature, in addition to reporting to law enforcement, such misconduct should also be reported immediately to the U.S. Center for SafeSport by calling the SafeSport hotline at 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233) or complete the online reporting form above.
To report an incident regarding other forms of misconduct such as emotional or physical, submit a report using the US Squash Safe Sport Reporting Form.
Reports submitted through the form linked above will be documented in a confidential tracking document. This document will be used to track any actions taken in response to the report, any findings resulting from investigations conducted, and their respective outcomes. This policy and process is overseen by the US Squash Chief Program Officer.
US Squash will immediately and no later than within 24 hours refer any report it receives regarding sexual misconduct or abuse of a minor to law enforcement and the U.S. Center for SafeSport. US Squash will promptly notify the reporting party, if not anonymously reported, of the party taking jurisdiction of any report.
In addition, within ten (10) days, the Judicial Committee will:
- Consider whether an Administrative Suspension is required;
- If so, communicate the suspension to the individual(s)
In the event the U.S. Center for SafeSport declines discretionary jurisdiction of an incident, or an allegation falls within the jurisdiction of US Squash, the Judicial Committee will:
- If the U.S. Center for SafeSport declines jurisdiction, the Committee will reconsider whether an Administrative Suspension is required;
- If so, communicate the suspension to the individual(s)
- Assign an Investigator, either from the committee, the DSC or an impartial third party to conduct an investigation.
- The investigation shall include the following steps
- Contact the reporting individual(s) to gather additional information;
- Contact the violating individual(s) to gather additional information;
- Contact additional parties as determined appropriate based on information gathered;
- Document findings and make a recommendation for approval by the CEO for action.
- Disciplinary Actions are communicated to the violating individual(s) by the DSC and logged in its Action Report shared with the Judicial Committee semi-annually and upon request.
US Squash shall not interfere in, attempt to interfere in, or attempt to influence the outcome of, any U.S. Center for SafeSport investigation.
US Squash’s Reporting Policy is a key part of its Safe Sport Program and an effective reporting policy is crucial to preventing abuse.
The Policy requires that every employee or volunteer involved any US Squash accredited program or competition must report (1) actual or perceived violations of the US Squash’s Safe Sport Policy, (2) any violations of the policies prohibiting Sexual Abuse, Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Bullying, Threats and Harassment, and Hazing (3) suspicions or allegations of child physical or sexual abuse to the appropriate US Squash representatives, and (4) Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy violations.
Additionally, in all cases involving suspicions or allegations of child physical or sexual abuse, every employee or volunteer of any US Squash accredited program or competition must also report to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.
All reports involving sexual abuse and misconduct must be reported to the U.S. Center for SafeSport. Reports to the U.S. Center for SafeSport may be made by (1) completing an online report to the U.S. Center for SafeSport at https://uscenterforsafesport.org/report-a-concern/, or by (2) calling 833-5US-SAFE. For additional information on reporting to the U.S. Center for SafeSport, please click here.
This Code of Conduct establishes consistent standards of response and resolution to abuse and misconduct claims behavior across the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. The USOPC, NGBs, and LAOs must comply, in all respects, with these policies and procedures as defined by the Code. All participants of these organizations are responsible for adhering to and understanding the Code.
US Squash Athlete Safety Procedures
The US Squash Athlete Safety Procedures for Event Organizers outlines what steps event organizers must take to pre-authorize event access for all event participants. This document will be emailed to the relevant event organizer upon approval of each accredited event.
It is the responsibility of each US Squash event organizer and host facility to monitor and enforce the requirements set forth in these procedures.
The following requirements should be adhered to at all accredited US Squash events including junior Bronze, Silver, Gold, JCT, National and International tournaments.
US Squash and/or the U.S. Center for SafeSport may audit any US Squash accredited event at any time to verify compliance either in person or through a request for compliance information.
US Squash Athlete Safety Procedures for Event Organizers
Section 1: Education and Training Requirements
Requirement: The following event participants are considered to have regular contact with, or authority over, amateur athletes who are minors at events and therefore they are required to have U.S. Center for SafeSport training. These event participants include:
- Court Monitors
- Accredited Tournament Directors
- Certified Coaches
- Professional certified referees
- 18+ yr. old players (if on a team with minor athletes or refereeing matches of minor athletes during the course of an event)
- On site US Squash staff
- On site US Squash Board members
The following individuals are not required to complete U.S. Center for SafeSport Training (as long as contact with athletes is incidental and observable).
- Vendors – Businesses, sponsors or partners with an event booth
- Athletic trainers – Providing medical support to event participants/staff as required in response only to an injury i.e. on an emergency basis only.
U.S. Center for SafeSport Training: The online U.S. Center for SafeSport Training can be taken by following the instructions outlined on the US Squash SafeSport web site. This 90-minute training is FREE to all US Squash staff members and event participants listed above.
- US Squash maintains a master event participant tracking tool which tracks the status of all event participants who are required to take SafeSport training.
- US Squash updates each participant’s Club Locker profile with their SafeSport expiration date.
- US Squash tournament support will monitor compliance for each accredited event hosted by a US Squash or a US Squash Facility Affiliate.
- Players can register for tournaments through the Events tab on Clublocker
- All Coaches attending an event must have a valid Coach Pass in order to enter the tournament. A valid Coach Pass indicates that SafeSport training has been completed in the last 12 months. The Tournament Director must verify that the Coach Pass is valid for each Coach upon entry to the event. If the Coach does not have a valid Coach Pass, they will not be allowed to coach any minor participants.
- Tournament directors of accredited events will check SafeSport compliance of non-coach participants through the training tab of their Clublocker profile.
Section 2: Communication of the Minor Athlete Abuse and Prevention Policy (MAAPP)
Requirement: Prior to each accredited event, whether a US Squash National Championship or Facility Affiliate hosted event, all registered event participants noted in Section 1 must receive a copy of the US Squash MAAPP.
- Pre-registered participants
US Squash tournament support, as part of their support process, will communicate to all registered participants at accredited events (including National Championships and US Squash Facility Affiliate hosted events) that they will be required to adhere to the MAAPP for the duration of the event. They will also be informed of how to report a violation. This information will be communicated as part of the standard communications sent to all events on the Wednesday before the event starts. Registered participants will be communicated to from the communications tab of the Club Locker tournament listing.
Vendors, Athletic Trainers, and event participants identified in Section 1 will be sent the email below, on the Wednesday pre-event.
The text sent will be as follows:
Minor Athlete Abuse and Prevention Policy
In preparation for the upcoming [Insert Event Name]. Please ensure you are following the Minor Athlete Abuse and Prevention Policy. If you suspect sexual misconduct, emotional misconduct, physical misconduct, and any violations of this policy, please file a report using the US Squash SafeSport Reporting Form or contact ussquashsafesport@ussquash.org.
For more information regarding Safesport please visit this page: https://ussquash.org/about/safesport
US Squash accredited tournament directors will be sent a sign by US Squash which explains how to report a MAAPP violation: How to Report a MAAPP violation. This should be posted on any door that leads to an area that is not observable and interruptible (example restrooms/locker rooms etc.). Tournament directors should also conduct random checks in these areas throughout the event to ensure areas remain safe.
- Same Day Registrations
US Squash recognizes that while all players will pre-register for an event, some event participants will register their attendance during the event. In this case, the participant role will be identified at registration and the MAAPP will be explained to those who are required to be SafeSport trained (Event participants listed in section 1). These participants will be asked to scan the QR code located on the How to Report a MAAPP US Squash Athlete Safety Procedures
Violation sign. This will give them an explanation of the MAAPP, and at the same time attendees will be told how they should report a violation.
Section 3: US Squash’s Ineligible List – Verification
Requirement: Event organizers will be required to ensure any Event Participants noted in Section 1, and registered participants, are not currently listed on US Squash’s ineligible list. This includes those who are on Administrative Hold or on the banned and suspended list.
Implementation: US Squash tournament support will provide tournament directors with the ineligible list before the start of an event via email. Tournament directors will check all event participants identified in Section 1 against the list. Same-day registrants will be checked against US Squash’s ineligible list upon arrival. If a same-day registrant is on the banned or suspended list or is on administrative hold, they will be banned from entry.
US Squash will ensure that the event participant tracking tool is kept up to date with respect to the banned and suspended list and those on administrative hold.
Section 4: Adherence to the MAAPP
Requirement: Event organizers should proactively complete a risk assessment related to the MAAPP criteria and eliminate all vulnerabilities that may exist as related to the MAAPP when the event has minors registered as competitors.
Implementation: Per the MAAPP, accredited tournament directors should actively complete a risk assessment prior to each event to mitigate and/or eliminate applicable risks for:
- One-on-One Interactions
- Check for areas that are potential risks for One-on-One Interactions
- If there are rooms that are not being used, close and lock the door.
- Actively monitor for One-on-One interactions throughout the competition.
- Massage and Athletic Training Modalities
- Locker Rooms/Changing Areas
- Post How to Report a MAAPP Violation sign outside of Locker Rooms/Changing Areas
- Perform Regular/Random Monitoring of the Locker Room Area
- Each locker room/bathroom will have an audit log of when each area was checked and by whom.
- Social Media/Messaging (Includes Texts and Emails)
- No event communication should be sent to an individual minor athlete, but instead should be sent using group communications only and copying other adults, including the minor’s parents.
- One-on-One Interactions
Section 5: Event Participant Tracking Tool
- US Squash will check event participants against the event participant tracking tool for each accredited event, to include role and verification that they have each completed the necessary requirements set forth above, prior to the start date of the event.
- US Squash will confirm that no one listed as an event participant is on US Squash’s Ineligible List. US Squash will use the event participant tracking tool to record this information.
- All participants at an event will be required to register at the tournament desk and their SafeSport compliance will be confirmed at that time.
- Same day registration by event participants will be allowed. In this case their compliance will be checked on-site using the event participant tracking tool and they will be presented with a handout explaining the MAAPP.
- Any person identifying themselves as a US Squash certified tournament coach will be required to register for Coach Pass. In order to receive their Coach Pass, the coach must complete Safe Sport training and submit their certificate of completion to US Squash via email. Upon completion of all requirements, the coach will receive their electronic Coach Pass, to be kept on their phone.
- In order to enter a US Squash accredited event, each coach must present their Coach Pass to the Tournament Director or event staff. If the Coach Pass is valid, it indicates that the coach has completed their Safe Sport Training within the last 12 months, and the Tournament Director or event staff will give the coach a wristband. The wristband must be worn while attending the tournament. This will identify them as able to coach their players and alert tournament staff as to their eligibility to coach those players.
- All certified officials at an event will be identifiable through their US Squash branded red officials’ uniform shirt.
- All tournament staff at US Squash National Championships will be identifiable through their US Squash branded event staff navy blue uniform shirt.
- All US Squash staff at an event will be identifiable through their US Squash branded navy blue or white uniform shirt.
For more information on these procedures please contact ussquashsafesport@ussquash.org
Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies
The MAAPP is a collection of proactive prevention and training policies for the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Movement. It has three primary components: an Education and Training Policy, Required Prevention Policies, and Recommended Prevention Policies. The Center developed the MAAPP to assist National Governing Bodies, Paralympic Sport Organizations, Local Affiliated Organizations, the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee, and other individuals to whom these policies apply in meeting their obligations under federal law.
US Squash Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy
One-page overview materials are available below:
One-on-One Guidelines One Pager
Massage and Rubdown Athletic Training Modalities Guidelines
Social Media Guidelines Locker Rooms/Changing Area Guidelines
Team Travel Guidelines Education and Training Guidelines
Signs of Abuse
Signs of abuse may be displayed, but are not limited to, the following ways:
- Losing enthusiasm for sport, even for competition.
- Not wanting to practice.
- Wanting to avoid contact with a particular individual – such as a coach, assistant coach, or athletic trainer.
- Having a sudden mood change, such as a violent emotional outburst.
- Wanting to change teams, even though his or her friends are on their current team
Game Plan
We each have our role to play in getting a game plan together:
Clubs can build their plan by identifying their risks and create their strategy by following SafeSport principles.
Coaches can help by knowing what to watch for, enforcing policies and procedures put forth by clubs, and taking SafeSport training online.
A parent’s role is to help verify plans in place and evaluate the effectiveness of a club’s plan and also implementation of the plan by their staff or coaches. Additionally, parents can talk to their athletes regularly to help monitor behavior changes and support their development overall. Below you will find additional resources for parents.
Free Online Parent Training Complete Parent Toolkit
Parents of School-Age Children Parents of Middle School Youth
Parents of High School Aged Adolescents
For players, knowing what misconduct is, how to report misconduct, and what resources are available to them are vitally important. Confidential resources and support are available, as well as instructions on how to report misconduct. SafeSport offers Youth Athlete Training Courses online for players of all ages. See above on this page under “SafeSport Training” for links to the courses on the SafeSport website.
Federal Law
Federal legislation – the Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act – sets minimum standards for defining child abuse and neglect for those States that accept federal funding. According to the Child Information Gateway, the minimum acts constituting child abuse and neglect are defined as:
- “Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation, ” or
- “An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.”
State Law
Although federal legislation sets the minimum standards for defining child abuse and neglect, the definitions of child abuse and neglect vary by State.
To learn how to report suspected child maltreatment, please click here.
To read more about mandatory reporting and state reporting laws, please click here.
Additional Resources for Emotional, Physical, and Sexual Misconduct
Crisis Assistance, Counseling and Referral Services
Child Welfare Information Gateway. Childhelp
- Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline
800.4.A.CHILD (1.800.422.4453)
(staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with professional crisis counselors)
Sex-Specific Therapy
Reporting and Grievance Process
When child sexual abuse, misconduct or policy violations are disclosed, the top priority is to protect athletes and prevent further incidents. Coaches, staff members and volunteers should not attempt to evaluate the credibility or validity of the claim as a condition to take action. Instead, it’s critical that any suspicions or allegations of child physical or sexual abuse are reported to the sport club or appropriate law enforcement authorities. A commitment to reporting, accountability and preparedness can all help organizations and individuals act responsibly in these situations.
As noted in the SafeSport Authorization section above, US Squash complies with the SafeSport Entity’s exclusive and discretionary subject matter jurisdiction, addresses reported matters falling outside this subject matter jurisdiction guided by US Squash’s Grievance, Disciplinary, Suspension, Member Misconduct and Appeals Procedures.
The more prepared each member of the sport community is to ask the right questions and take decisive action, the greater the likelihood of the best possible outcome. Each member of the sport community has a different role to play to encourage disclosure:
- Report suspicions or allegations to appropriate law enforcement authorities
- Cooperate fully with inquiries and investigations
- Maintain open lines of communication with parents
- Report suspicions or allegations to appropriate law enforcement authorities
- Cooperate fully with inquiries and investigations
- Encourage disclosure among athletes
- Communicate with clubs and coaches
- Understand the reporting process
- Monitor your child for sudden changes in behavior
- Know what misconduct is and how to report
- Understand resources available to them
- Use available resources
How to report an incident?
To report an incident involving Sexual Misconduct, please visit this link. The Center handles ALL reports of sexual abuse within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movements. Make a report to the Center if you have a reasonable suspicion of sexual misconduct such as child sex abuse, non-consensual sexual conduct, sexual harassment or intimate relationships involving an imbalance of power.
To report an incident regarding other forms of misconduct such as emotional or physical to US Squash use this form US Squash SafeSport Reporting Form.
Reports may be made anonymously, and there is no fee associated with filing a report.
24-Hour Victim Services Helpline
The helpline offers confidential support services and is operated in partnership with RAINN, the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. If you or anyone else you know needs assistance immediately, you can access help immediately in two ways:
Online: www.safesporthelpline.org
Phone: 866-200-0796
US Squash Safe Sport Contact
Please contact the US Squash Safe Sport Team at ussquashsafesport@ussquash.org, for any questions regarding Safe Sport and US Squash policies.
Centralized Disciplinary Database
The Center’s Centralized Disciplinary Database is a resource designed to keep the public informed when individuals connected with the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Movements are either subject to certain temporary restrictions pending investigation by the Center or are subject to certain sanctions after an investigation found them in violation of the SafeSport Code. The database also contains certain eligibility decisions made by the National Governing Bodies (NGB), their Local Affiliated Organizations (LAO), or the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC), including those rendered prior to the establishment of the Center.
The individuals below are subject to measures imposed by US Squash and/or the U.S. Center for SafeSport pursuant to its authority under the Bylaws of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee, the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and SafeSport Authorization Act of 2017, and US Squash. This list also contains individuals who have been reported for Sexual Misconduct as defined in the U.S.Center for SafeSport Code, but who fall outside of the jurisdiction of US Squash and/or the U.S. Center for SafeSport and such report has been verified through publicly available records.
Action Taken
Date of Issuance
Adjudicating Body
Yasir Butt
Inappropriate Conduct; Sexual Misconduct; Proactive Policy Violation
Permanent Ineligibility
U.S. Center for SafeSport
Lefebvre Esposito
Physical & Emotional Misconduct
Permanent Ineligibility
U.S. Squash
Safawy Holmes
Physical & Emotional Misconduct
Permanent Ineligibility
U.S. Squash