Adding your Tournament to the Calendar

Accrediting a tournament and adding it to the US Squash national tournament calendar is a two-step process, The tournament director or organizer must submit an online form with specific information about the tournament. The US Squash tournaments team will then review and approve the information before listing the tournament on the national calendar.

Submit Online Accreditation Form

Pre-requisites to hosting an accredited tournamentOnline Accreditation Form and Tournament InformationApprovalJunior Tournament
Facility Affiliate

Any facility hosting an accredited event must be a current US Squash Facility Affiliate. Organizers should reach out to US Squash if they are unsure of their status.

Learn More about US Squash Facility Affiliate program

To request a tournament, tournament directors must complete the online accreditation form.  The following information will be required to be input.

Tournament Entry Method

Here you will choose how you will collect entries to your tournament. The three main options are:

  • Online Registration through Stripe: allows players to enter themselves into a tournament while paying the entry fee directly to the tournament director. In this case, the tournament director must have an active Stripe account.
  • Free Tournament: allows players to enter themselves through a sign-up link on the tournament page. In this case, no entry fee will be collected.
  • Payments are Handled Offline: requires the tournament director to collect entries and payments. The tournament director then needs to manually enter the players into the tournament.
Tournament Type

There are many different tournaments that are supported by Club Locker. Look through the options carefully and choose the one that is most appropriate for your event.

Find out more about the different types of tournament

Note that in order to host a junior tournament you will need explicit approval from the US Squash tournaments team.

Entry List Management

How will you accept players into your tournament? You can choose to select on a first come first served basis, or you can use rating or points. When a division becomes over subscribed a waitlist will be formed based on this setting.

Tournament Dates

What are the start dates and end dates for your tournament? Tournament directors or organizers are encouraged to consider other nearby tournaments when selecting tournament dates to avoid unwanted conflicts.

Note that in order to host a junior tournament you will need explicit approval of dates from the US Squash tournaments team.

Tournament Divisions

Here you will select which divisions will be played at your tournament.

Note that you will be able to add or remove divisions once your tournament is approved.

Tournament Venue(s)

Make sure to add all potential venues for your event.

Note that it is possible to add or remove venues once your tournament is approved.

After submitting the online tournament accreditation form, US Squash will review the information and will follow up with tournament director or organizer with any questions or to confirm that the tournament has been listed on the national calendar on Club Locker.

US Squash National Tournament Calendar

The points based junior system is designed as a pyramid structure in which a specific number of tournaments allocated to each region every year. Due to the finite number of junior tournaments allocated across the country and the need to maintain a proper ratio of tournaments at each level, US Squash fully manages the national calendar of junior tournament. The points based junior ranking system is currently suspended.

In the interim period tournaments are ratings based and tournament directors may add tournaments as appropriate for their program and area. US Squash will approve tournaments subject to other events in the region.

More information on hosting a Junior Tournament can be found on the Junior Tournament Accreditation Page.

Junior Tournament Accreditation Process