Emily is currently a stay at home mom residing with her husband and two children in Brooklyn Heights. Before having children, she was a Middle School History and English teacher at the Town School in Manhattan. She graduated from Milton Academy in 1991, received her BA from Yale University in 1995 and MA in Education from The New School for Social Research in 1997.
Emily currently is Adult Squash Chair at The Heights Casino in Brooklyn Heights, New York where she has run the SDA Tour David C. Johnson Memorial Doubles men’s professional tournament hosted there for the past several years. She is also actively involved in organizing The Carol Weymuller Open, the Women’s International Squash Professional Association singles tournament also hosted by The Heights Casino each year. She was a top ranked junior throughout her career, competed for the US on the Junior National Team and was a four time All American, playing #1 at Yale. She currently competes professionally in the WSDA. She was the Finalist in the 2010 Mixed Doubles Nationals, becoming Champion in 2011, and has consistently been ranked in the top 10 of the Women’s Open doubles rankings. She was selected to represent the United States as the first team at the 2011 World Doubles Championships held in Toronto. Emily also serves on the Board of Skillman Associates which oversees and fundraises for Yale Squash and is a mentor for the urban squash and education program CitySquash in the Bronx. Both of her children are avid squash players and love the game, as does her husband Justin.
New York, NY