Manage a League
US Squash accredited Team Leagues are leagues with matches that count towards players’ ratings and rankings. They are run for teams of players between clubs or schools or across a city or district.
Depending on the number of players on the team compared to the number of players on each match roster, participation in team leagues can demand the highest level of commitment to play. Teams can be formed with mixed skill level players or the league can be for a specific level player – ie: Men’s 3.5 League.
All US Squash accredited leagues must utilize and enter results in Club Locker in order for the results to count towards national, regional, local and club level ratings and rankings. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of US Squash.
The system facilitates online player registration and payment, easy league scheduling, easy team lineup management, player match availability notification to help Captains fill match rosters, match score reporting, Captains’ match write-ups, season review of team and player matches and standings, player statistics, league playoffs as well as district and regional match results tracking.