Assessments form part of a continuing professional development approach for official. Their main purpose is to evaluate the official’s performance and to provide constructive feedback on their overall performance on a match they have officiated. Assessments are therefore not pass or fail, rather they are learning opportunities which identify where an official has done well and where they may need to develop. They help provide discussion points in a conversation between the assessor and assessee which is critical part of the learning cycle.
Assessments may be carried out by any level of Official at all US National Championships, CSA Championships and PSA events. A 360 degree performance review approach is taken by US Squash where junior officials can benefit from evaluating a senior official, as well as vice versa. The goal is for an official to have enough assessments such that a full picture of their ability is gained during the course of a season. While not all matches that are assessed will necessarily have all the issues listed, comments will be aggregated over all assessments for an official and will help to inform the annual review process.
Assessors will use the assessment feedback form to document the conversation.
Livestreamed or recorded matches
It is not always possible for assessments to be performed in person and where that is the case officials may use livestreamed or recorded matches in order to be assessed. This can be the case for instance for a CSA match, or a PSA match. If a US Squash certified official is refereeing at an event outside of the United States this provides them an opportunity to be evaluated.
Where a livestreamed or recorded match is being used the Official should send the video or link to the video to the US Squash Director of Officials who will then assign a Senior Official to assess the match.
Assessment Considerations
The assessor will oversee the official during the match to be assessed and will be looking not only for the accuracy of decisions but will also be reviewing the presentation of the match, the ability of the official to control the match and how well the official communicated to the players and spectators during the match. Specifically the assessor will be looking at the following:-
Presentation of Match
- Uses correct Squash Language
- Tone is appropriate to situation
- Uses Clublocker scoring
- Communicates effectively with Video referee
- Applies conduct when necessary
- Applies rules correctly (injury and illness)
Communication and Managing Conflict
- Communicates effectively with players
- Identifies issues early
- Identifies why issues are happenng and who is at fault
- Gives players appropriate instructions
- Follows through with what has been said
Record Assessment
After the match the assessor and official will meet to discuss the performance of the official and review the outcome of the assessment. The assessor will upload the assessment into the US Squash assessment database. This will form part of the evidence required for officials to be certified at Level 3 or above.