Ten Junior Silver Nationals Champions Crowned

The 2022 U.S. Junior Silver Champions. Front row, l-r: Kriti Muthu (GU17), Kian Patnaik (BU13) Ava Kung (GU13), William Tucker (BU11), Samara Shah (GU11). Back row, l-r: Nachiket Desai (BU19), Marcus Ashcraft (BU17), Alexie Tan (GU15), Ryan Moadel (BU15), Anika Goyal (GU19)

More than 300 junior players competed in the 2022 U.S. Junior Silver Championships–with players ranked outside of the top thirty-two in the country–as ten champions were crowned Sunday, March 27, at the Arlen Specter US Squash Center.

View all results on the Silver Nationals tournament page. View award ceremony photography on the US Squash Smugmug Page.

2022 U.S. Junior Silver Champions:
GU11: Samara Shah
BU11: William Tucker
GU13: Ava Kung
BU13: Kian Patnaik
GU15: Alexie Tan
BU15: Ryan Moadel
GU17: Kriti Muthu
BU17: Marcus Ashcraft
GU19: Anika Goyal
BU19: Nachiket Desai

A Junior Silver Awards Night was held Saturday night to celebrate sportsmanship and excellence with the presentation of the Silver Sportsmanship Award and William T. Ketcham Most Improved Honorable Mention Award.

William T. Ketcham Most Improved Players Honorable Mention:

GU11: Amy Shen (22 positions)
BU11: Henry Woodriff (38 positions)
GU13: Jiya Naik and Dhruti Gaddameedi (52 positions)
BU13: Aaruv Sethi (121 positions)
GU15: Mia Greenly (73 positions)
BU15: Justin Chou-Belden (100 positions)
GU17: Sophia Hu (90 positions)
BU17: William Newton (69 positions)
GU19: Tina Mei (104 positions)
BU19: Gus Nelson (66 positions)

2022 Junior Silver Sportsmanship Award:
GU11: Samara Shah
BU11: Austyn Boulan
GU13: Emily Ramirez
BU13: Daniele Abou Taleb
GU15: Ella Erickson
BU15: Anay Sawant
GU17: Hana Cochinwala
BU17: Vandrick Inman-Benavente
GU19: Tatum Long
BU19: Matthew Sullivan