US Squash Board Nominates Five Directors in Lead Up to June 14 Annual Meeting; Proxy Voting Available June 10

In accordance with the Association By-laws, ARTICLE IV, Section 1, the Association hosts an Annual Meeting of the Members. This year the meeting will be held via Zoom, Friday June 14, at 5pm ET.

The purpose of the Annual Meeting is to elect Directors duly nominated by the Board upon recommendation by the Nominating and Governance Committee to fill upcoming vacancies on the Board, as well as to consider any other business brought before the membership in accordance with the By-laws.

Per its By-laws the Board may have as few as ten non-athlete Directors and as many as twenty. At all times the Board must be comprised of at least 33% athletes who elect themselves to Director positions on a quadrennial basis after each Olympic cycle is completed. For the independent positions available July 1, 2024, the Board is re-nominating currently serving Directors Nick LePore and Sandy Tierney. In addition, the Board is nominating Carey Anderson, Zerline Goodman and Brian Leonard.

Read more about the candidates on the organization’s Governance page.

For the fifteenth consecutive year the Board of Directors will offer the membership the opportunity to assign proxies online for the election beginning Monday, June 10. Voting will be made available for 48 hours. An email will be sent directly to current US Squash members for this purpose and as the only way to cast a proxy. The process is being overseen by the Nominating and Governance Committee.